Headmaster's Notes 11


Since the last issue of this magazine the Department of Education and Science has rejected the scheme of reorganisation put forward by the Borough. The growing realisation that purpose-built accommodation is essential if comprehensive schools are to be given a fair start and the lack of money for adapting existing buildings make it probable that there will be no immediate attempt to force our two schools into a comprehensive jigsaw puzzle.

This does not mean that we must sit back and assume that all is well with the present system. There must be a greater ease of transfer both ways between grammar and modern schools and an enquiry into the provision of courses for those of the 16-19 age group for whom 'A' level is not appropriate. These tasks must be tackled with urgency if we are to keep pace with the demands of our young people for education beyond the statutory leaving age.

In the 1966 magazine I was pleased to mention the scheme of voluntary service which a group of senior boys had organised. The calls on our generosity to relieve suffering in Vietnam, Nigeria and other remote parts of the world must not blind us to local need, but while it is no great effort for most of us to dip into our pockets to help Oxfam or organisations of that kind, the alleviation of distress in our own area requires not money, but service. Living in an affluent society must not lead to apathy and indifference to the needs of the less fortunate. We congratulate the following boys who gained open awards for 1968:

T. Duley - Exhibition in Mathematics to Oriel College, Oxford.
P. Tanswell - Exhibition in Natural Science to Hertford College, Oxford.

1968 School Magazine


Expansion of the Universities (1959-60)


A Man for all Seasons (1963)

Ski Tour