Old Boys' Association 05



President: The Headmaster

Chairman: W. G. Miller 

Secretary: C. Frankcom

Sport has been a main activity of the Association. The Rugby Club welcomes new members and this year a Cricket Club has been formed. Badminton, athletics and golf fixtures have also been arranged.

Social events included our annual car rally, visits to the leading London shows, wine and cheese parties and regular "pop" dances. There is a theatre group, and the Association publishes its own monthly magazine, The Saint.

We have a number of fund-raising schemes, which have proved popular, and we are taking a larger share with the Parents' Association in the organising of the St. Nicholas Fair. Our objective is the building of a clubhouse for our members.

The highlight of the year is the Annual Dinner, held at "The Rest Hotel", Kenton. This function provides an opportunity to renew old friendships and to chat over old times.

School leavers are invited to join the Association at the earliest opportunity and to bring along new ideas. Constructive criticism we welcome. The Association exists for your benefit.

W. G. MILLER, Chairman

1968 School Magazine


Voluntary Service (1966)

Cross Country

The School Library

A Year of Woodwork