A Tragic Descent


Original Work by D. R. WAKELING, 2B

"Number Six Toboggan", said Paddy, the starter. Take your place, please. Right! Set! Go!" he shrieked.

I was off. The first part of the course was level, so I had to have a good, hard push. It was hard enough. I swerved round the first bend and made a reasonable speed. There was the second bend now, and then the long, downward straight. I rushed round the bend, but it slowed me down badly, as it always did. The big question was would I break the record or not?

I plunged downwards again and built up a breakneck speed. I had high hopes and tried to urge myself on yet faster. The final bend loomed up in front of me now. It was a bend that doubled back on itself, and many times I had been thrown off the track there. Would I make it? I did, and it seemed that all my troubles were over - but were they? As I accelerated downwards for the last time I stared in horror at what I saw. There was an obstacle in my path right at the finish. I could not stop and there was not even time to tumble off the track. I was still gathering speed. There seemed to be only one thing to do.

I closed my eyes and held my breath as I raced nearer and nearer. The second I waited seemed like waiting for the end of the world. Sweat gathered on my brow and my clothes were wet around me. Then - Crash!!

Just then my mother came along and stared, horrified at what she saw. hurried away disgusted. Of course, trust them to have Mum's best vase as a warning system at the bottom of the banisters.


1967 School Magazine


The Future of the School
(1956 Summer Magazine)

PA Drams Double Bill (1964)

The Old Boys' Association
(1961-62 Magazine)

The Headmaster
(1956 Summer Magazine)