The Headmaster's Desk Drawer
(Personal Papers)


*** W O R K  I N  P R O G R E S S ***

At the February 2024 reunion lunch, John Watson very kindly handed me a folder containing some of Dr. Watson's personal papers. I am slowly scanning these and making them available both here on this site and on Google Photos. These images have been scanned at a high resolution and on Google Photos some may take a few seconds to render but the quality will be superb - I hope

Go straight to Dr. Watson's Desk Drawer Google Photos Album


Six Years of the School Fair (1962)


New Grammar School


School Building Project (1962)


Drama with Peter Clarke


Geoff Lee's Recollections 


Recollections of Dr. Watson

Advertisement (1957-58) Kodak


Kodak Limited is a growing concern in a rapidly expanding industry. We operate highly technical and interesting processes, and need a continuous intake of capable and industrious young men. There are opportunities which few other firms can better. By personal counsel and grants of leave every encouragement is given to those wishing to study further. With our policy of promotion from within the Company there is, therefore, every opportunity for advancement. For your leisure time the Kodak Recreation Society offers an exceptionally wide range of activities. 

If you are interested in Research, Accountancy, Engineering or if you would like to know more about Kodak Limited, why not have a word with your Careers Master.