06 Mr. A. J. Tisdall (2001)

OBITUARY: Mr A. J. Tisdall
English 1960-1991 (Head of English from January 1966)

Nora Tisdall writes:

Alan retired in 1991 and moved to south Devon to live.  He enjoyed a very happy retirement until January 2001 when it was discovered that he had advanced renal cancer which, until that point, was symptomless. 

He had aggressive treatment but, unfortunately the cancer progressed rapidly.  He celebrated his birthday on 6 August and his 35th wedding anniversary on 13 August which he was determined to do.  He died on Monday 10th Septebmer 2001. 

He is greatly missed by his wife, Nora and their four children, Katrina,  Aidan,  Olivia and  Michael. Nora keeps in touch with John Jefford (Mathematics) and Iden Coleman (Physics) who were at St Nicks in 1960's and 1970's.

There is a bench dedicated to Alan Tisdall in the azalea garden within Kew Gardens. Alan was born opposite Kew Gardens and spent a large part of his early life in the area.

Nora Tisdall

From earlier website


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Unclassified.. but Interesting


Dead Ground (1971)


Past and Present (1975)


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