Staff Changes 15 (1975)


During the school year 1974-5 we said goodbye to the following members of the teaching staff:

At Christmas:

Mr. N. Charleston (French)
Mr. W. Noble (Physics)
Mrs. C. Stammers (Mathematics)

In January:

Dr. J. Kirwan (Temporary appointment - Chemistry)

In July:

Dr. R. F. E. Watson (Headmaster)
Mr. R. Armstrong  (Head of Handicraft)
Mrs. M. Scott (Head of Biology)
Mr. J. Westgate Smith (English)
Mr. D. Murphy-O'Connor (French)
Mr. W. Gardner  (Temporary appointment - Mathematics)     
Herr H. Kuhlmann (German Assistant)

The school's great debt to Dr. Watson is acknowledged in our Editorial.

To Mr. Armstrong, a founder member of the staff, the school likewise owes a great deal, not only for his patient teaching of handicraft, but for many of the fittings in the building. The Drama Society in particular owes a very great deal to Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Hawkins, his technical assistant, for the building of stage scenery over many years and for the building of the costume wardrobe.

Mrs. Scott came to the school in September 1960 and over the years worked hard to build up the Biology Department.

Mr. Charleston was active in many ways, besides the teaching of French. As a housemaster and as the staff representative on the Parents' Association Committee he gave many hours of hard work to the school outside the curriculum.

Mr. Westgate Smith came to St. Nicholas to teach English part-time after he had retired as headmaster of Pinner County Grammar School. As well as giving most valuable service to the English Department he was frequently in demand as accompanist on the piano for various musical items, such as the House Music Competition.

We thank all our staff leavers for their work in the school and wish them every happiness and success in the future, whether in new appointments or in what we hope will be long and active retirement.

We welcome the following new staff to the school in September 1975:

Miss J. P. Allen, B.A. (C.N.A.A.) - French and German
Mr. P. E. Arthur B.Sc. (East Anglia) - Head of Biology
Mr. T. J. Cambridge (Borough Road College) - Physical Education and Biology.
Mrs. J. Clare, B.Sc., Ph.D. (London) - Chemistry
Mr. A. H. Goodridge (Shoreditch College) - Handicraft
Mr. J. P. Temple-Fry, B.Sc. (Exeter) - Chemistry
Miss D. Luchinger - German Assistant

1975 School Magazine


Staff Guidance Notes

Sports Day results

Photos of Staff

Brian Tilbrook's letter to David Dixon