House Reports 03 (1958-59)



House Master: MR. T. D. PLENDERLEITH

THE year has been a satisfying one for Abbott's House though entailing the loss of the House Championship Shield to our persistent and until now unsuccessful rivals Bec, whom we congratulate on their final success.

The Junior House redeemed its honour after coming second in the Rugby and fourth in the Cross Country by walking off with the other two cups and Wall won the Junior Individual Champion's Trophy. As usual the Middle House was our main support and came first in all events except cricket where it came last.

There is little to say in connection with the Senior House except congratulate it upon its variety (a first, fourth, second and third), and hope that it will do better next year.

It is perhaps unfair to single out any particular individuals from a host of boys worthy of mention but Wall and Chambers led the Junior Rugby and Cricket teams with great enthusiasm as did Sanderson both the Middle teams.

The Senior House was dependent on the performances of Burnham and Pettit in the Athletics though Cushway surprised everybody - not least himself - by coming first in the long-jump.

However it is not individuals that form a successful House but the general team spirit amongst all its members - and this spirit, carefully fostered by our Housemasters, has revealed itself in the past year.

So look out, Bec! Lest the dainty prize slip unawares from your grasping clasp next year.

B. P. MADDAMS, Sixth Form


House Master: MR. P. L. P. CLARKE

AT its first meeting last September the house learnt that Mr. James had reluctantly decided to give up his connection with Bec because he might be required, as Senior Master, to act as arbitrator in House matters. Though we appreciate Mr. James' point, we heard the news with regret for under his leadership we have made a very good start, and we should like to thank him for his efforts on our behalf.

After three years as runners-up Bec finally made sure of the Championship this year when the Middle XI snatched the winning run from Kevere after a plucky battle against some keen bowling.

Looking back on a successful year we can congratulate our Seniors, who won the Cross-Country, Athletics, and Cricket Championships. Their greatest moment was probably the defeat of King's heavyweights on the Rugby Field, their worst the surrender to Abbot's thirteen men the following week. The Middle School has done its best, winning the Cricket and coming second in everything else. The Junior Cricket XI seems to have had an off year, but for the lower forms there was a victory in Rugby and Cross-Country by way of consolation.

The House Championship is not an individual affair. However, there are one or two members of the House who deserve a mention. Piears won two events in the Middle Athletics finals; H. Snook was Middle School Champion; C. Snook won the Senior Cross-Country; and R. Skinner and Hendry came first and second respectively in the Junior Cross Country. Edwards proved an able Cricket captain in times of crisis when he always managed to bring the best out of his team. Lockyear has been one of our best sportsmen and an intelligent captain cn the field. He has been very ably assisted by Grove who has always tried to teach the juniors to copy his example of playing hard, whatever the game.

When all has been said, we have enjoyed our victory and look forward to repeating it next year.



House Master: MR. J. RICHARDSON 

At the beginning of the year we were very glad to be able to welcome many newcomers, and especially Mr. Johns. At the end of the year, when the result of the House Championship became known, we found that we had retained our traditional link with the citizens of the U.S.A.; we too could celebrate once again our Glorious Fourth.

To be entirely accurate, our record seems to have been composed of a greater number of fourths than are mathematically possible. In the Rugby Cup-ties the Senior and Middle teams each lost first to Bec and then against Kings; the Juniors decided to be different by losing to Abbots and sharing third place with Kings. At cricket, it was the Middle team's turn not to conform, for they let Bec have the final by only one run.

Between these two pitched battles, we found that our manoeuvres in the open countryside had improved since last year. Our Junior and Middle Cross-Country teams each finished third, Haran and Cartwright coming 5th and 7th in the latter event; while the Seniors, led home by John (2nd), Wakeling (4th) and Isaacs (10th), did even better in gaining second place.

In the Sports, M. Wakeling and our victorious Senior Relay Team were the bright rays to pierce the prevailing gloom; Wakeling, Senior Champion with 17 points out of a possible 18, deserves our most hearty congratulations. Another to be commended is Samways, upon gaining School Cricket Colours.

Next year we hope that such individuals as these, who are showing us the way, will receive more solid support from us all. The established winners of the House Championship have, this year, at last had to give up first place; maybe it is time we too let someone else occupy the other extremity.

H. W. W.


House Master: MR. R. ARMSTRONG 

THIS year we welcomed one new housemaster, Mr. Owen, and about thirty new junior members.

The year started with the Rugby season. Our success in this sphere was moderate and we came third in the Junior, Middle and Senior school competitions. A little more effort next year and we could easily carry off all the honours.

Our intellectuals managed to secure us third position in the Chess competition.

In the wild and wintry month of March the Cross-Country races were run. Our juniors acquitted themselves the best, coming second, while a team of ten in the Senior school competition obtained third. place. However our Middle school team let us down and held the last position.

Owing to an admirable summer, cricket was played in excellent conditions which seemed to encourage our teams who fared somewhat better than usual. In the Junior competition we lost rather heavily in the final but still managed to secure second place. Our Middle team was not quite so successful but came third nevertheless. The Seniors after comfortably disposing of Abbots, were easily beaten by Bec, owing perhaps to the fact that the side was rather overconfident.

In the Athletics competition all the teams tried admirably and secured third place in all three competitions.

Although not outstandingly successful in any event the House did not easily succumb to the opposition and next year I feel sure that we shall be a real force to be reckoned with; so let's show them next year, Kings!

C. J. WORLEY, Sixth Form

1958-59 School Magazine


Expansion of the Universities (1959-60)


A Man for all Seasons (1963)

Ski Tour