The Caterpillar (1966)


Original Work by S. N. COVIELLO. 3B

I awoke early one morning,
The dew lay on the ground.
I immediately started eating
The first thing that I found. 

I ate, and kept on eating
Some cabbage leaves I'd found.
I glanced round at a dew drop
And saw I'd grown so round.

Then with a sudden popping,
My skin split like a tin.
Another me emerged;
I must have jumped out of my skin.

This happened more and more to me
Until one day I found
That I, with silk, so firmly
So carefully, was bound.

My case split up the next day.
I stretched myself to dry.
I found I had two snow-white wings.
I found that I could fly.


1966 School Magazine


Past and Present 

Geography Field Course (1960)

PA Drams Double Bill (1964)

Sights of Old Hillingdon