The School Concert
At the end of the Christmas Term a concert was given by the boys and staff. In an age of mechanical entertainment, it was good to find sufficient talent amongst junior boys to provide a pleasant hour or so.
The emphasis was upon comedy, whether of the farcical kind, supplied by those inspired clowns, Messrs. Toppeloff and Tumblelover, or of the more intellectual brand in which Wilkinson and company excelled. There was time, however, for some of our musicians to prove that a change of mood may always be effected by a polished performance.
Several of the staff appeared before the audience in a new light. Mr. Clarke resuscitated one or two jokes with a success which merited the award of some sort of life-saving medal. Keeping his fingers crossed and his cards under the table, Mr. Armstrong, in true Magic Circle tradition, refused to reveal what was up his sleeve, though some of his pupils did allow us a glimpse.
Mr. James attacked the Firefly with his trombone "con amore," as they say, and without requiring the oxygen apparatus which had been prepared in case of emergencies. Mr. Richardson made a praiseworthy attempt to stimulate interest in French studies by writing his own version of the Beaux Gendarmes, in which he was ably assisted by two gifted colleagues. An enjoyable evening was rounded off by Mr. Easom's programme of short films, including a Chaplin comedy, which continued professionally what the amateurs had begun.
We look forward to a repeat performance next year.