School Plays

Included are reviews from the school magazines, a number of programmes, additional photos and newspaper cuttings.

Thanks to Graham Parish and Steve Breibart for keeping these tickets for over 50 years
The Taming Of The Shrew (1973)

      Play  (performed / magazine review)
01 Henry IV part 1 (Mar 1958 / 1957-58)
02 Journey's End (Mar 1959 / 1958-59)
03 The Government Inspector (Mar 1960 / 1959-60)
04 Jonah & the Whale (Mar 1961 / 1960-61)
05 Julius Caesar (Mar 1962 / 1961-62)
06 A Man for all Seasons (Mar 1963 / 1963-64)
07 A Penny for a Song (Mar 1964 / 1965)
08 The Life of Galileo (Mar 1965 / 1966)
09 The Merchant of Venice (Mar 1967 / 1967)
10 She Stoops to Conquer (Mar 1968 / 1968)
11 Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Mar 1969 / 1969)
12 The Strong are Lonely (Mar 1970 / 1970)
13 Romeo and Juliet (Mar 1971 / 1971)
14 The Rivals (Dec 1971 / 1972)
15 The Taming of the Shrew (Nov-Dec 1972 / 1973)
16 Richard of Bordeaux (Dec 1973 / 1974)
17 Peer Gynt (Dec 1974 / 1975)
18 Twelfth Night  (Dec 1975 / 1976)

Advertisement (1972-73) Royal Navy


School Fair (1962)


Sporting Memories


Foreword to the First Magazine (1956)


Photos of Staff


A Visit to the British Museum (1958-59)


The Rivals (1972)