The British Newspaper Archive
I'll simply cut and paste any interesting and relevant articles below until I decide how best to organise this new section. As far as I can tell I'm allowed to reproduce any text, as long as I include a link to The British NEWSPAPER Archive (The British Newspaper Archive) and a copyright reference for images. Articles are unsorted at the moment and new additions are not necessarily added at the top of the page.
Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette - Wednesday 13 May 1992
TWENTY years ago this week, the sports pages of the Gazette were reporting: Malcolm Newing took 6-15 as St Nicholas Old Boys shot out Sunbury Village for 63 to beat them by nine wickets.
The British Newspaper ArchiveHarrow Observer - Thursday 01 September 1966
While swimming in the River Marne near Paris on Sunday, 17-year-old George Dean, of Alfriston Avenue, North Harrow, got into difficulties and was drowned. With him died his holiday host, who had tried to save him.
His twin brother, Harry, who was on a touring holiday of the Continent, did not know of George's death by Tuesday.
The tragedy happened at Champigny-sur-Marne, near Paris, where George Dean was staying with M. J. Titera and his family.
He had just returned from camping with them in the South of France.
Both were swimming almost opposite the Titera's house which is close to the river.
The dead youth was a student at St. Nicholas's School, Northwood. He has recently successfully completed his "A" level examinations and was planning to continue his studies at a university.
He was due home from holiday today (Thursday). News of the tragedy was given to his family by one of M. Titera's sons who is over here on holiday. The families are old friends.
On Tuesday the boy's father, Mr Arthur H. Dean, flew to France to arrange the funeral, which will take place in Paris.
The British Newspaper Archive
Harrow Observer - Friday 25 September 1981
GAYTONIAN’S bid to win the Old Boys seven-a-side tournament at Old Haberdashers RFC, Boreham Wood, for the third year running narrowly failed last weekend.
After Old Gaytonians second team failed by just four points to beat St Nicholas Old Boys in the semi-final the first seven went down 14-10 in the final after holding a 6-0 lead at half time.
Gaytonians opened the scoring when Yarrow kicked ahead and ran well to outspeed all opposition and touch down.
O’Hanlon converted to give Gayts a 6-0 lead. In the second half St Nicks gained much of the ball and a goal and a try put them in command.
Late in the game Abbott went over for a try that reduced the gap to 14-10, but St. Nicks held on for the win.
The British Newspaper ArchiveClearly written by an Old Gaytonian. St. Nicholas Old Boys won the National Old Boys 7's Competition.
Chris Simmons writes:
I seem to remember, much to the dismay of the presenting hierarchy we drank celebratory beer from the Trophy. To their further dismay when asked would it take pride of place in our Clubhouse, they were told we didn’t have one, but it would be safe in the Pub we drank after training – The Ship, Joel St – as the Landlord, who was a mate of ours – would chain it to a wall plinth he had and if necessary super glue the lid on.
It was returned the following year unscathed and intact, when we didn’t retain.
Team: Chris Simmons (captain, hooker), Pete Johnston (vice-captain, scrum half), Tom Roscoe (fly half), Tim Barber (centre), Tim Hughes (wing), Byron Mason and Tom Barker (props).
There is a photo of the winning team here
Evening Despatch - Thursday 04 July 1935
Saltley and Smethwick Appointments
Mr. R F E Watson, German master at Saltley Secondary School, has been appointed senior German master at Bishopshalt School, Hillingdon, Middlesex and his successor will be Miss A Burns of Wellfield Secondary School, Co. Durham.
Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette - Friday 21 January 1955
What's in a name, especially when it's the name of a brand new Grammar School? Everything, according to members of the North-West Middlesex Executive Committee on Friday.
It wouldn't have been so bad if the new school to be christened was a primary school, or even a secondary school, but a GRAMMAR school...
The members were considering a recommendation from the Schools sub-Committee that the new grammar school at Northwood Hills should be named the "Ruislip - Northwood, Northwood County Secondary Grammar School."
The recommendation was read and immediately a member exclaimed: "This is so ludicrous that I could not support it."
And for the next 45 minutes the business of a name caused excitement, sharp comments, points of order, amendments and fresh amendments.
The first amendment was moved by CIIr. W. D. Charles, chairman of Ruislip-Northwood Council. "I want this executive to make up its mind, rather than refer this back," he said. His amendment was quite simple. He asked that the school be named St. Nicholas' Grammar School for boys, and ultimately the girls' grammar school to be called St. Mary's. He sat down and County Councillor F. S. Tate stood up to say the school should be called, simply, Northwood Grammar School. "The other names are too unwieldly," he said. Another member thought that schools, particularly of the grammar kind, should be named after the place in which they were built or after their founders or patrons. He reeled off THE schools— Eton, Marlborough, Winchester, and members sat quietly for a minute as if in contemplation of their own schooldays.
Then was the turn of chairman, Mr. John Miles. He liked the idea of St. Nicholas and St. Mary, he said, but up jumped Mr. Tate. "On a point of order, sir. You agreed with the sub-committee's original name and now you are speaking against the sub-committee. "There was hub-hub, and Mr. Miles apologized—"but you have heard me say what I wanted to say"—and members laughed. Mr. Tate was angry, "This is no laughing matter. I will take this further." Other members gave their views, and in crept a feeling of rivalry between areas: Ruislip against Uxbridge, Uxbridge against Northwood, but the amendment was put by Mr. Charles—"that this school be named St. Nicholas' Grammar School, Northwood." He won. The voting was 9 to 6.
It was won - but no, Mr. D. J. Davies put another amendment asking the matter to be referred back for further discussion. Again the vote. It was lost.
So that is the name the children of Ruislip-Northwood will get used to, and probably proud of - St. Nicholas' and St. Mary's (probably).
Final word came from Mrs B. E. Beaumont, "I hope we will discuss with the same amount of enthusiasm the education in this school as we have the name of it."
The British Newspaper ArchiveHarefield Gazette - Wednesday 06 November 1991
Six pupils from St Nicholas Grammar School have been picked for Middlesex schools rugby teams to play Surrey: Chris Elias, Chris Szelewski, Philip Murtagh, Alan McLelland, Julian Szelewski and Tim Barber.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Friday 31 March 1972
Mr. Peter Banton. headmaster of Claremont Senior School. Kenton. since January, died on Friday. He was 46.
The 900 pupils at Claremont School were called to a special assembly on Monday afternoon and told of Mr. Banton's death. A fund has been launched to send a contribution from the school for leukaemia research.
Mr. Banton had been away from school only a fortnight.
Mr. Banton, who leaves a wife and three teenage children, lived at Leverstock Green, near Hemel Hempstead.
He was one of the founders and an active member of the South-West London branch of the Samaritans.
The appointment at Claremont was Mr. Banton's first headship.
Earlier in his career he taught at St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood Hills.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Tuesday 06 June 1972
MR PETER BANTON was headmaster of Claremont High School, Kenton, for only three months before he died of leukaemia at the end of March. But in that three months, Mr. Banton made a great impression on children at the school. Since his death, children at the school have been trying hard to raise money for leukaemia research. All the forms in the school have helped in some way to raise over £2OO which they will send to the Leukaemia Research Centre. The sixth form produced a school play. Members of the lower forms helped to swell the funds by printing and selling their own magazine while others sold records funds teacher donated by various recording companies. Parents, teachers and friends of the school all helped to push the fund over £2OO.
Mr. Banton used to be the head of the Geography department at St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood, where last week headmaster, Dr. R. F. E. Watson, set up a second appeal.
Dr. Watson is looking for old boys of the school living in Wembley and Harrow who knew Mr. Banton when he was at St. Nicholas's. Mr. Banton was one of the founder members of the staff at the school and became known for the expeditions to the Lake District he led.
The money collected at St. Nicholas's will also go towards leukaemia research but some is being reserved to buy a showcase with an ordnance survey map of the Lake District for the Geography Room. This, Dr. Watson feels, will remind the school of Mr. Banton's 14 years of service at the school.
The British Newspaper Archive Harefield Gazette - Wednesday 16 July 1997
TWO 17-year-old Northwood boys shattered the public schools monopoly of the London Schools' Golf Championship when they won the title for St Nicholas Grammar School. Neil Marsden and Terry Wooding turned in an aggregate score of 164 at Fullwell GC, near Hampton Court.
The British Newspaper Archive Uxbridge Leader - Thursday 07 August 1986
Teacher's £18000 pay-out from council
A TEACHER who took Hillingdon Council to the High Court over a pay cut is to get a pay-out of nearly £18000 and a pay rise of £2000 a year.
Leslie Shearn, 54, of Cornwall Road, Ruislip, was appointed acting head teacher of St Nicholas’ Boys’ Grammar School Northwood Hills in August 1975.
When the school merged with Haydon School Mr Sheam became deputy head at Haydon at a lower salary.
In 1983 Mr Shearn lodged a claim that his acting headship salary was safeguarded under a national agreement, says Hillingdon Council press officer Roy Mills.
The council refuted this claim and Mr Shearn took High Court action which was contested by the council but last month the council accepted Mr Shearn’s claim and agreed to pay arrears of £17,993 and raise his present salary by £2000.
Mr Shearn was unavailable for comment.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Friday 26 November 1982
New head for John Lyon
DAVID Dixon a master at John Lyon School since 1977 is to become headmaster next September.
The governors of Harrow School have chosen him to take over from the present headmaster Gordon Surtees who will be retiring.
Mr Dixon, 46, of xxxxx Avenue Harrow was educated at the Royal Grammar School Lancaster. He won an exhibition to Christ's College Cambridge where he took his degree in classics in 1958.
From 1959 to 1977 he taught at St Nicholas School (now Haydon School) in Northwood where he was head of classics, master in charge of the sixth form and senior housemaster.
Now he teaches English, Latin and history at John Lyon School. He is also a sixth form master and master in charge of general studies.
Mr. Dixon is author of How To Find Your Way, the pamphlet on higher education issued annually to every sixth former in the country.
He is a lay reader at St Mary's Church Harrow Hill and was elected lay chairman of the Harrow Deanery Synod in 1982.
The British Newspaper Archive Saffron Walden Weekly News - Friday 12 August 1966
Teacher to Study in Russia
Mr. Keith Emmans, an honours graduate of London University, is leaving from London Airport today for a months study in the Soviet Union.
Mr. Emmans, who now lives in St. Albans with his wife Thelma, three year old daughter and year-old son, is senior French Master at St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood, Middlesex. During the war years he was evacuated to Willingham and lived in Silver Street with his mother and sister Diana at his grandparents home. His father, whose relatives live in Cottenham, was at this time serving in the police in London. Keith attended the village school at first, then later the Cambridge and County High School for Boys until the end of the war, when the family returned to London.
For the past year he has been seconded to the Holborn College of Law, Languages and Commerce, London, where he has just completed a year's intensive course in Russian. In September he will be introducing Russian into the school curriculum. He has been selected by the Department of Education and Science as one of 25 teachers of Russian from universities and schools in the United Kingdom for a months course in Moscow and Leningrad sponsored by the Soviet authorities.
The British Newspaper Archive Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette - Thursday 18 February 1960
Provision of sunblinds at St Nicholas School Northwood is to cost £708. When the school was built in 1955 the county council did not provide sun-blinds but experience has shown that they are essential in certain teaching rooms facing south and east
The British Newspaper Archive Hayes & Harlington Gazette - Wednesday 25 October 1995
ST NICHOLAS Grammar School rugby team defeated Harrow County 28-5 with Burrells scoring a hat-trick of tries. Horn and Miller also went over for tries while Westray was successful with three penalties and two conversions.
The British Newspaper Archive Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette - Wednesday 19 July 1995
The St Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood, sprint relay team of Graham Curd, Peter Davies, Barry Cassidy and David Miller continued a successful summer that has seen them win the Hillingdon schools, Middlesex schools and Middlesex AAA championships. R. Ineson (Bourne school) came in for one of the races for the injured Curd.
The British Newspaper Archive Harefield Gazette - Wednesday 29 March 1989
St Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood, won the Middlesex schools cross country title at Haste Hill for the first time with a team that comprised: R Kirk, I Narracott, B Johnson, C Szelewski, A Lovett, C Arkey, M Drake and R Attfield.
St Nicholas School's rugby team also hit the headlines by dramatically winning the Oxfordshire Schools sevens B tournament, despite trailing Haberdashers of Elstree 13-5 in the final with just four minutes left. They hit back to win 15-13 with the following team: Checkley, Downing, Pooley, Cannon, Roscoe, Hughes and Dennis.
Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette - Friday 22 June 1956
Middlesex Education Committee is to spend £500 on stocking the reference library at the new St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood.
Harrow Observer - Tuesday 10 December 1968
Mr. lan Hooker. organist at St. Edmund's, Northwood Hills, is to conduct three concerts of Christmas carols in aid of the Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children. The concerts, which will take place on Thursday, Friday and December 20, at the Church of St. Martin in the Fields, St. James, Piccadilly, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, will be given by the Promenaders, who include a section of the St. Nicholas Grammar School choir, trained by their music master, Mr. Anthony Smith, organist at St. Mary's, Harrow Hill.
The British Newspaper Archive Harefield Gazette - Wednesday 26 July 1995
A Feast of Nostalgia
MEMORIES will be on the menu when the old boys of St Nicholas Grammar meet for a reunion dinner to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the school's opening.
The school, in Wiltshire Lane, Eastcote, was opened on September 5. 1955, by its headteacher, Dr Robert Watson.
In 1975, it joined up with its sister school, St Mary's, to form the present day Haydon Comprehensive.
It is hoped as many St Nicholas old boys as possible will go to the dinner, on September 5th.
Dr Watson will be guest of honour.
Many former pupils of the school formed the St Nicholas Old Boys' Association (SNOBS) in 1961.
Tickets and details are available from Gerald Miller on 0181 xxx xxxx.
But there is just one small penance to pay. In order to make the evening one of "unbridled nostalgia", Mr Miller asks all who come must be prepared to give a two minute talk during the evening of an amusing incident they remember from their school days.
The British Newspaper Archive Harefield Gazette - Wednesday 09 July 1997
EIGHT records were broken in the seventh annual inter-school athletics meeting for the St Nicholas Grammar School Shield at Kings College Playing Fields, in Ruislip. St Nicholas' Dave 'Dusty' Miller clipped half a second off the 220 yards meeting record when he clocked 22.8 secs.
The British Newspaper Archive Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette - Friday 12 July 1957
Middlesex County Council
Education Committee
COOK required at St. Nicholas Grammar School for Boys, Northwood, in September. Hours at present 35 weekly. Wages 3s 2-1/2d per hour. Free meals on duty. Experience in large scale catering essential. Prescribed conditions. Application, forms (stamped, addressed envelope) from Divisional Education Officer. Local County Offices. High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex. returnable by 27th July. (Quote V. 587 M.A.)
The British Newspaper Archive Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette - Friday 19 August 1955
Middlesex County Council
Education Committee
ASSISTANT SCHOOLKEEPER required at St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood. Wages 148s x 2s 6d to 153s per 44 hour week. Established subject to probation, medical assessment and prescribed conditions. Application forms (stamped addressed envelope) from Divisional Education Officer. Local County Buildings. High Street. Uxbridge. (Quote RAN M.A.).
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Thursday 19 June 1958
A scheme, costing £6,873 for the laying-out of gardens and the provision of sports facilities at St. Nicholas' and St. Mary's Grammar Schools, Northwood, has been recommended to the Middlesex County Council by its education committee.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Thursday 06 April 1967
Sevens played with a bar of soap was an apt description of the Old Gaytonian tournament at Sudbury on Sunday.
But if the conditions, which included persistent rain, were not always appreciated by the players they provided exciting entertainment for spectators before St. Nicholas Old Boys beat Barclays Bank 18-5 in the final.
The Old Boys reserved their best form for the final. Earlier they had had a shaky passage being lucky to beat Old Bancroftians 5-3 thanks to a harshly awarded penalty try in the dying seconds and again when they only beat Old Gaytonians in the last minute.
Barclays scored first after a fine movement which started on their own line and went close to adding to this lead before St. Nicholas made the half-time score 5-5.
The bank twice went near in what proved their last efforts soon after the re-start but first the ball went dead, but only just, and then they were thwarted by a great tackle.
Lasting the pace much better, St. Nicholas then piled on three tries, two of which were goaled. Having come from behind in three matches they finished worthy winners though by a flattering margin.
Gaytonians II, a substitute entry, provided the surprise of the tournament, beating three first sevens before going out to the winners. Their inspiration was Naylor, who galloped in for five of their tries.
The British Newspaper Archive Harefield Gazette - Wednesday 15 February 1995
St Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood, pupil Graham Curd, aged 15, of Dawes Road, Uxbridge, was picked for the all England Schools rugby final trial. Graham plays at centre.
Harefield Gazette - Wednesday 30 June 1993
Parfitt took 6-19 as St Nicholas Grammar School dismissed St Nicholas Old Boys for 71 in their annual match. The school were out for 59 in reply.
Harrow Observer - Thursday 25 January 1962
Road Relay
St. Nicholas win well
The Lower School of John Lyon's school road relay held over a 1-1/4 miles course on Saturday was won by St. Nicholas G.S., Northwood. They had a time of 56 min 25 secs as against 57.10 Harrow Boys' County School and 58.14 by John Lyon. Six scored and there were nine entries from schools.
Harrow Observer - Friday 19 November 1971
Derek Warby, St. Nicholas Grammar School first XV captain last season, who also skippered the Middlesex Schools and London Counties Schools XVs, played his first match for Loughborough College first XV against Guys Hospital on Saturday. Derek, a regular member of the College's Freshers XV side, came into the first XV when the side was depleted through injury.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Thursday 19 April 1962
Rugby Football
IN the most thrilling final since the tournament was started nine years ago, Thames Valley Grammar School, Twickenham beat St. Nicholas, Northwood, 8-5 to win the Wasps Schools Sevens at Sudbury on Wednesday.
In the semi-finals St. Nicholas, who played first-class rugby throughout, and who had a star performer in C. Sanderson at fly-half, beat the Nondescripts from Haileybury and Thames Valley eliminated Hayes County, the margin being 5 points in each case.
Fine final
Spectators, who were given a most entertaining and well-organized afternoon's sport, were generally agreed that the final was the best so far and certain the finish could hardly have been more exciting.
Continuing to play finely St. Nicholas took an early lead and held it until four minutes from the end.
Thames Valley then scored a try in the corner and elected not to attempt the conversion. Obtaining the ball from the kick-off they started a movement in which almost every player handled before a brilliant try was scored under the posts. The kick was successful.
Harrow Observer - Thursday 14 December 1961
Two 16-year-old schoolboys, John Buckley Wood, of Herga Court, Harrow-on-the-Hill, a pupil at St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood Hills and Eric Seymour Goss, Bigbury. Devon, who formerly attended Wembley County School, have been awarded testimonials on parchment by the Royal Humane Society. The awards are for their rescue of a man and girl from the sea at Bigbury, Devon, last August.
The citation states the Mr. Emyr Edwards, aged 40, was with his son and daughter on a wooden float, drifting out to sea. The father fell off, and his daughter, Margaret, like him a strong swimmer, went after him. Both got into difficulties with an undercurrent, and the two boys went in after them.
John Wood brought the girl ashore, while Eric Goss took the father to the son's float and stood by until the float was pulled ashore.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Thursday 07 June 1962
RECOGNITION of a brave sea rescue which took place at Bigbury-on-Sea, Devon, on the afternoon of August 30 last year, took place at Assembly at St. Nicholas Grammar School for Boys, Northwood, on Monday morning when, on behalf of the National Humane Society, Supt W. Poole, of Harrow Police, presented a certificate to John Buckley Wood, aged 17, of Herga Court, Sudbury-hill, Harrow Hill.
Dr. R. F. E. Watson, headmaster, told the assembly of boys that he knew Wood was the last boy to desire publicity, but he felt it was only right that his courage should be brought to the notice of the school.
"This award and the event leading up to it underlines the necessity to make sure we can swim and swim jolly well." said Dr. Watson.
Before presenting the certificate, Supt. W. J. Poole told the boys how John Wood and a local friend went to the rescue of a man and his 12-year-old daughter who had got into difficulties about 50 yards from the shore in water about ten feet deep, battling with strong off-shore waves.
Supt. Poole said this bravery and foresight saved two lives and he was pleased and proud to present John with the certificate and glad to think that we had boys who could swim and were prepared to do such deeds.
The British Newspaper ArchiveHarrow Observer - Tuesday 13 February 1973
The subject: "A United Europe will lead to a United World" is to be debated at a meeting of the Pinner Branch of the United Nations Association at Pinner Parish Church Hall on Thursday. The motion will be proposed by Philip Dumville, of St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood, with Miss Astrid Arnold, of St. Mary's Grammar School, Northwood, as the seconder. The opposer will be M. P. Kleinman, of Merchant Taylors' School, and the seconder Donald Lambdie, of Pinner Grammar School. Mr. G. W. Scotney, headmaster of West Lodge Junior School, will preside.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Thursday 05 December 1957
Harrow Methodist Church concert
OLD and new friends of the Methodist Church in Welldon-crescent, Harrow, gave a programme of music and drama in the church on Saturday, when artistes of extreme youth combined effectively with experienced performers to make for an evening of distinction.
Mr. James Stevenson, the Shakespearean actor, who appeared at Stratford-upon-Avon very recently and who has also been in television programmes in this country and in the United States, contributed excerpts from "Hamlet" and "Romeo and Juliet," while the musical side of the programme was given largely by tbe masters and pupils of the St. Nicholas Grammar School for Boys, Northwood. Outstanding were the performances of the headmaster, Mr. R. F. E. Watson, who, accompanied by Mr. Michael Rose, played in masterly style the Sonata in D Major for Violin by Handel and two movements from the Sonata in A Major by Cesar Franck.
Three of the boys of the school revealed the value of their headmaster's guidance. For 12-year-old Christopher Van Kampen ('cello) the evening was a triumph. In the Suite II in B by Louis de Caix de Hervelois, which opened the programme, he showed that he possesses a technique which would do credit to an instrumentalist of much wider experience. He played in the Quartet in F. Major, Op. 3, No. 5, by Haydn, in which he was joined by Mr. Watson, Mr. H. W. Winter (viola), and Terence O'Brien (violin), who, at the age of 15, was quite equal to his task. For Sullivan's "The Last Chord." as in the case of the opening suite, Christopher was accompanied by Mr. Walter Smith (organ), and for his final item he was joined by his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Van Kampen, in the 'cello duet. Op. 38. No. 1 by Sebastian Lee.
The third of the three pupils. all of whom, incidentally, are Royal Academy junior exhibitionists, was Anthony Hymas (piano), who played the difficult "Jardins Sous la Pluie." by Debussy with the ease and assurance of an advanced performer. Anthony is 14.
The school's contribution to the programme also included delightful tenor solos by Mr. W. J. Thomas, who, accompanied by Mr. L. W. Baker sang "Art Thou Troubled?" from Handel's "Rodelinda." and Alan Murray's ever-popular "I'll Walk Beside You. Mrs. Lois Ellis (contralto), whose voice has often been heard in the church, was accompanied by Mrs. G. W. Theobald in songs by Handel, Massenet, Grieg and Elgar, and Mr. Walter Smith also played two organ solos, Orb and Sceptre, Coronation March, 1953, by William Walton, and Widor's Toccata in F. Mr. Smith arranged the concert and the undoubted success of his initial effort may, one hopes, encourage him to plan further evenings of music and drama at Welldon-crescent.
Mr. Thomas led the singing of Parry's "Jerusalem" to end the programme. which was introduced by Mr. F. Marsden.
The British Newspaper Archive Harrow Observer - Thursday 19 January 1961
CREMATION took place in Ruislip, on January 5, of Mr. Rodney Francis Burnham. of Whittington Way, Pinner whose death as a result of a collision between his motor scooter and a petrol tanker was reported in the Observer. Mr. Burnham, who was 17, had lived locally all his life. He belonged to an old Harrow family, for his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents have all lived locally. He was a playing member of the Wasps Rugby Club. An ex-pupil of St. Nicholas Grammar School, Northwood, was one of the first pupils of the school and was middle school champion in athletics. He represented Middlesex in the grammar school sports at the White City, and also represented his school many times at rugger. He was trainee buyer for Russells Electric Supplies, Watford.
The Rev. P. E. Brassell, Vicar of St. Alban's, North Harrow, officiated at the funeral service. Mourners included: Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Burnham, parents; Mr. W. G. Hilton, grandfather: Mrs. J. Parker. aunt: Mr. J. Burnham and Mr. D. Rendle. uncles: Mr. and Mrs. Abbott and Mr. Aitchison. great uncles and great aunt: Dr. R. F. E. Watson, headmaster of St. Nicholas Grammar School: Mr. B Ridge. a master and Mr. Lee, sports master, at the school; Mr. S. Watson of Wasps Rugby Club: a representative of Russells Electric Supplies, and Peter Cullis, Anthony Burnham, Peter Shoebridge, Peter Burnham, Derek Shoebridge, Michael Ducasse, Roy Kemp and many of his friends from St. Nicholas.
The British Newspaper Archive