Staff Notes / Staff Changes
Staff Notes/Changes were published most years in the School Magazine, in the early years they were often laced with a dry wit.
The following are available:
01 Summer 1956 (Founder Members)
02 Summer 1957
03 1957-58
04 1958-59
05 1959-60
00 1960-61
00 1961-62
00 1963-64
00 1965
06 1966
07 1967
08 1968
09 1969
10 1970
11 1971
12 1972
13 1973
14 1974
15 1975
16 1976
17 1970 Mr. A. J. Tisdall writes: Mr. David C. Laubach
18 1970 Mr. G. Buckingham writes: Exchange year in the USA